Suboxone (Buprenorphine & Naloxone) 8mg/2mg
Suboxone induction is only recommended for persons addicted to short-acting opioids (such as heroin), not long-acting opioids (such as methadone); for long-acting opioid induction, buprenorphine monotherapy is recommended.
Day 1: 2 mg/0.5 mg or 4 mg/1 mg SL at first; gradually increase in 2-4 mg increments every 2 hours under supervision; maximum dose: 8 mg/2 mg
Day 2: As a single daily dose, up to 16 mg/4 mg SL
Suboxone 8mg/2mg (buprenorphine and naloxone)
Oral or sublingual administration of buprenorphine and naloxone [BUE-pre-NOR-feen-and-nal-OX-one]
Brand names: Suboxone, Zubsolv, Bunavail
Follow your doctor’s instructions completely. Take no more of it, no more frequently, and not for a longer period of time than your doctor has prescribed.
This medication should be accompanied by a Medication guide. Read and carefully follow these directions. If you have any questions, consult your doctor.
If you’re going to use buccal film:
Wet the side of your face with your tongue or rinse your mouth with water at the area where you will place the film.
The film should not be chopped or torn. Hold the film in place with a clean, dry finger. Hold the Bunavail® with the text (BN2, BN4, or BN6) facing up.
Place the film side on the inside of your cheek. Place the text (BN2, BN4, or BN6) on your cheek if you’re using Bunavail®.
Press and hold the film for 5 seconds.
Allow the film to melt in place. It should not be touched, moved, chewed, or swallowed.
If you must use a second film, place it on the opposite side of your mouth. Place no more than two buccal films inside one cheek at a time.
Do not eat or drink anything.
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